Friday, January 14, 2011

Can you give me your feedback?

Hi Everyone--
I guess there comes a time in every blogger's life
when they need a new profile pic...As for me--I'm
having trouble picking one...(although I posted one

So, I had my husband take some pics tonight and
oh geez, he just started taking one right after the other--
click, click, click--hence, this pic! (I was trying
to pull my hair down to make it straighter...)

But, after getting over the shock of turning
57 last week (oh my gosh!) I figured that as much
as I don't like having pictures taken, here's my
new theory--I'll hate it even more 10 years from
now! lol

So, my question to all of you is, which of the 2
(one at the top and one at the bottom) would
you use for the profile pic if you were me?

And also, could you tell me--am I the only
one who feels so self-conscious about all
this picture stuff? Because if some of you
feel the same way, I'll be feeling alot
better! lol

Some cool news...I love to dance
country, salsa, and swing, so Ralph
and I have been dancing for the past
few nights--too fun. I told him that
all we need in our family room now
is a jukebox! Wouldn't that be