Let's be honest here, I've been a wanna be crafter for my whole life.
It's kind of embarassing actually because I come from a long line of crafty women.
My great-grandma could put together a quilt in an afternoon, so can her daughter (my Grandma). For what would take me years to plan, cut, measure and sew - comes totally second nature to them. It's like they don't even have to think about it, they just do it.
And of course, they are all masterpieces.
My Mom is an incredible crafter - she sews and knits the most beautiful creations like no other. She's been doing this since she was little and I'm trying to convince her to open an Etsy shop.
My aunts can put together centerpieces, make things out of wood and can make such sweet home decor.
Well, I'm the oldest granddaugter after all these women and it literally stops dead at me when it comes to being crafty.
So, this weekend when several people told me I was 'crafty' and 'creative', I wanted to shout from the highest hills. I of course played it cool, like, yeah...I'm crafty..it's just what I do. But really...it made my day!
Anyone care for a tutorial? haha?
My hubs pretty much worked all weekend. It sucked, cuz I totally missed him.
I will spare you the details of our 'fight' about him working, but basically it involved him bailing on our neighbor's (you know the ones who do EVEYTHING for us and never ask for favors in return). Yeah, they finally asked if Adam could watch their kids while she had her Lia Sophia jewelry party. I was going to the party, so he'd be home with our kids, too. Perfect! Until he chose to work instead. It was kind of a last minute thing, but still. Anyways, turns out that our neighbor forced me to bring our kids over to the party to play with her kids, so I wouldn't miss out. See, she's just too freaking nice. It turned out to be a good time and I'm glad I was able to be apart of the party, but I pretty much kidnapped her kids afterwards and told them they were spending the night. It was the least I could do for the babysitting mishap with the hubs.
Savannah and Lillian

Maddie and Alexa
The 2 most amazing girls in the entire world!!
Maddie and Alexa
So, either I suck at hosting sleepovers or hmmm I suck at hosting sleepovers.
I'm just glad they live right across the street, so it wasn't too far to bring them home.
They came back over Sunday afternoon to play!!
I'm just glad they live right across the street, so it wasn't too far to bring them home.
They came back over Sunday afternoon to play!!
They made this awesome fort in my living room.
I loved it!
I loved it!
I had the house clean (mostly) , the kids bathed and ready for bed, dinner made and ready to eat. Hot damn! I am Suzy Homemaker! ;) Actually, I think it was just a fluke...
The 2 most amazing girls in the entire world!!
We spent the rest of the night on the couch watching the first season of Desperate Housewives!
As you can see, I was also busy posting reviews and giveaways this weekend. If you haven't already, but sure to get your entries in.