Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The two sides of my mother

Why I thought this would be an easy post I have no idea. Probably because it's been on my mind for days. I thought I had it just about written in my head...but it took me a long time to get it out.

This is for my mother who passed on three years ago today.

I don't miss...
1. your rage.
2. your pain.
3. your prudishness.
4. you calling me stupid.
5. your stuckness.

I very much miss...

1. my momma
2. your awesome cooking
3. your special wisdom
4. my shopping buddy
5. having you there

Contrary to what my Aunt mothers favorite colors were green and pink (not purple and yellow). Where did that rumor start?

Title of Piece: Mothers
Medium: Digital Art