Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The T-shirt Bag

Happy Holidays!

This is an awesome winter project I'd like to share with you all. It was not my original idea. I found it in a book which I can't for the life of me remember the name of. Anyway I did add a small original touch of my own. I changed the handles a little. If you know what book this project came from pm me, so I can give proper credit.

And now for the fun stuff!!! Here's one of mine.

Grab a big t-shirt you like but don't want to wear anymore or is too big. OR go to a thrift shop and grab a cheep used T.

So you have your t-shirt. Turn it inside out and lay it flat. Side seams together.
Cut off the seam on the bottom of the shirt and save it for later.
Sew the bottom together with a straight stitch.
Turn right-side out again.
Cut off the sleeves at the seam-leave the seam on the shirt.
Save the sleeves. You can use them for rags or on another altered shirt. :)
Next Cut the neck line lower.
Cut straight down--parallel with the arm hole. Then straight across making a new square "neckline".
Remember that seam from the bottom of the shirt? Did you save it like I told you?
Grab it now and cut it open. Then cut in half.
Now you have two stripes. Wind that around the top of one of the arm holes, tie at each end. Leave a little of the seam free to dangle. Repeat with other arm hole. These are your handles.
Boom! You are done! Now go show off your new bag!!

Bag handles image below.