Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The holidays

The holidays have a way of bringing up the light and the dark side of life. This past Saturday I just felt melancholy all day. There wasn't anything that I could point a finger to and say "that's it. That why I feel bad." It just was there.

Then last night...more sadness. I found out that Suzanne of the blog Liquid Illuzion committed suicide on Christmas Eve. I was shocked, for many months I have enjoyed her blog and the comments she left on mine. She will definitely be missed. I hope her spirit finds the peace she sought. If you feel inclined you can go to WIXY Gone Bananas blog and see her obituary and friends comments.

Even though the hour was late, before I went to sleep I picked up the book The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock. The part I read seemed very fitting for how I was feeling the last couple days and oddly it helped.

"Sadness lies at the very core of being. Lay the heart bare of every other feeling and inevitably you will come upon sadness, ready like the quickened seed, to put forth its green leaf.' One does not have to hold onto sadness, however. Releasing sadness is a discipline, like mindful breathing. Breathe in, you feel it, breathe out, you release it. Breathe in, a tear rolls down your cheek; breathe out, you feel gratitude for its warmth. Breathe in, and smile.' Be kind to yourself, take baby steps."

Be well,