Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes I'm still here...

I know it's been a long time since I've updated. The reason is that we have moved. June 24th we knew the Lord was telling us it was time to leave OH and move on somewhere else. The faith challenge in this is while we knew He wanted us to move, we didn't know where He wanted us to go. Tim resigned the pastorate on June 29th. Later that week, the doors opened and he accepted a position with Bible Truth Music. He and the owner, Byron Foxx, have been friends for over 20 years and Tim is now Byron's Executive Assistant. Tim runs the office during the week and on Wed. & weekends we travel representing the company. We sing together, Tim preaches, conducts choir clinics, plays the piano, etc.

We moved here to VA on Tues., August 26th. We love the area and that part of the adjustment is fairly easy. The Lord provided a townhouse for us to rent at a cost that is only about 1/3 of the other places we were seeing. Here's a pic of the front of it:

Three days after we moved in to the townhouse, we took Kendra to college in SC. What a week!! She's adjusting well and is really enjoying college life. She's taking 15 credit hours and works 10 hrs. per week on campus.

Life the last few weeks has been filled with boxes, boxes & more boxes. First we were packing them and now of course, unpacking. This past Sat. I set up my scrap space. Now that it's set up, I'm hoping to be able to scrap some -- maybe tomorrow. I've sure missed it.

Here are pics of my new space: