Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not stamping much

It seems I was on a roll there for awhile. I will try to get something new up in a couple of days. Need to finish my samples for class next month. I have a project in mind that would be great for the "Red Hatters" also. Let Sharon know if your group would be interested.

I am at my Dad's house now. He has had a rough spell since he started chemo last Friday and my sister has been here round the clock to help him out. Dad got pretty dehydrated and has been going daily for hydration. He has been snoozing pretty good since we brought him home today. I will spend the night with him tonight.

On a different note, I was at the store yesterday when the Memory Box "What's in the Box" boxes arrived. Lots and lots of good stuff. Watch for Sharon's card blitz class in August, it is going to be a good one!

Hugs to all!