Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nature Night

Woo Hoo! E-ticket ride last night. I went to pick Jon up from work last night and when I was driving up the driveway I saw a white plastic bag in a bush and the first thing I thought of was the bear had been back. Then it dawned on me, there wasn't a bush between those trees. I backed up and shined my car lights and there was the Black bear holding my trash bag. He looked like a kid with his cold lunch at school. :) I never thought I would see "The Bear" in person. I drove to the top of the driveway, turned the car around and honked the horn a couple of times. The bear turned and started to walk away. I called my house to tell my hubby that the back door was unlocked, the bear was outside and that I wanted him gone before I got back. DH had gone to bed at 8:00 and it was now 9:40. No luck. I couldn't wake him up so to Miller's I went.

On the way, I saw about 3 bats. Not too unusual, but they usually don't swoop down in front of the car. After Jon got off work, we saw a little spotted fawn going down to the lake for a drink. I sure hope his Mom was with him! A little further up the road was something with a black head and glistening eyes in the foliage on the side of the road. Maybe a cat, possibly a raccoon.

We turned off of the highway and were about 1/8th mile from the house and what crosses the road in front of us. THAT DARNED BEAR!. It was now 10:40pm and he crossed in front of us and stopped and looked at us like we were nuts for being out that late. Oh the joys of living in the mountains!

ETA: It was the bear I wanted gone before I got back, not DH.........he can stay. :)