Monday, July 30, 2007

Just an Update

Well, I thought I would pop in with a little update. Dad had a rough patch on Friday and ended up in the hospital. He was very anemic and they gave him 3 units of blood. Although he said it helped, he was still having trouble keeping food down. On Saturday, they were giving him another unit of blood when Shell and I got there. What we saw when we got there wasn't pretty. Needless to say, Dad's Dr. ordered an EGD (scoping of the tummy) and found that Dad has several ulcers in his stomach and one of them was bleeding. They cauterized the bleeders and gave Dad a couple more units of blood and some platelets. Now for the good part. Dad got to come home today and he is keeping his food down. Yea! We will need to keep a close eye on him and make sure he is eating good.

I want to send big THANK YOUS to everyone for their calls and support. My sister and I really appreciate it! Dad does too! :)

I will get back to stamping a bit, but need to catch up on work too.

Stay tuned!