Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey hey….

Welcome to my blog….. Think and Act to Achieve!!!!

Many of you must be wondering why am I creating a new blog since I got an old one….

Erm…. Let me do my explanation here…..

This blog is created for one of my subject I am taking now….

SAU216E (Globalization, Cyber Culture and Future Studies)

This assignment consists of 30% of my whole subject and I am doing on the topic of “Public Toilets in Commercial Buildings”…

We can actually do it in a group but I choose to do it individually…

The main reason is that I do not know many of them in the class as majority of them are third year students…

The second reason is that I think blogging alone is better….

Isolation is not a word for me as I am blogging and I am connecting everyone in the world…

I am compressing time and space…. ;)

This is the explanation for globalization I learned in the class…..

This is just an introduction to my blog….

Do visit this blog often and leave down some valuable comments if you have any..

Thanks and have a nice day…..
