Sunday, June 8, 2008

Words of Wisdom Circle Journal

We are starting a circle journal in Scraps-n-Such. For my journal, I chose the topic of Words of Wisdom. I would like the ladies to do a 2 page 8 x 8 layout of their favorite quotes. Here are my pages.

Title Page
Introduction Page -- instructions to the ladies about my album
From Here to There -- each lady will put a brad on the map where they live
Getting to Know You -- each lady will sign a tag and add their picture
My Layout for the album
The quotes I used are:
If you do something each day you don't like to do, you'll be a success. (Dad quoting Socrates)
If it isn't for sale, don't advertise. (Mom on modesty)
Into each life some rain must fall -- just watch out for the hail. (Dad)
Don't sink to their level. (Mom on not retaliating when wronged)
A torn jacket is soon mended but harsh words bruise the heart of a child. (unknown)
He who would not fall down ought not to walk in slippery places. (A. Rogers)
Before speaking, make sure it is the right place, right tone, right words spoken the right way. (T. Wright)
You are right now, or soon will be, like your friends are. (A. Rogers)
If you do after you're married what you did before you were married in order to get married, you'll stay married. (D. Worch)
Kids spell love T-I-M-E. (unknown)
God may calm the storm around you but more often He'll calm the storm within you. (unknown)
Autograph Page -- each lady will sign this before she send it on to the next person.