Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kendra's Graduation Party

Kendra's graduation party went really well last Friday night. She really enjoyed the evening. Here are a few pics of the evening.

Decorations & Such

Sasha loves to perch on this set of drawers on my scrap desk. She was investigating Kendra's banner. She's fascinated by the letters & pics on it. Silly kitty.
Pre-Party Chat with Daniel
Notice all the curls -- aren't they pretty?? :)

We found this mini-cap from Ian's party & she said Sam was graduating from Kindergarten & Darius from pre-school. Obviously, they really enjoyed wearing the cap. NOT!!
The Food

My in-laws gave her a hand made hope chest made of walnut & cherry. She was thrilled. Later she showed them scrapbooks about her.

Family & Friends

This was taken after the party when realized we'd forgotten to have someone take a pic of the three of us. However, we were all exhausted and looking pretty blah! (It was 97 on Friday! Always a good thing for my hair - NOT!!)

This was Kendra's mentor when she was in Grades 4-8. Kendra used to work with horses & show them with this lady & her husband.

All three of these girls are Class of 2008. Kendra and the girl on the left were both homeschooled; the girl on the right is from a local public high school. Both girls are friends from church.

Our Asst. Pastor & his family

Opening Ian's card. The front has a cat and says, "Ack! Ack! Ack!" The inside says, "Just a little something I coughed up for you."

This last one is just 'cause I like it.