You shaped me and wrote my days
The way i've been through is in your preservation
Your eyes are watching me, Oh Lord
Every incidents in my life happened only by Your permission
It formed my character, the foundation of my life
When the storms come, It stands still
You've known it all from the beginning
I remember that i was angry with You
Coz You made me like this
Why i can't do things like everybody do
Why i can't have the chance, to escape from myself
But now i know
day by day
i know....
that You are weaving me
This moment, i start to see it
that You are making something in me
something good, like You wanted
Good like You
Oh Lord, i won't disgrace You again...
i like the way You form me
i like to be Johan Alvin Khosuma
More and more, teach me to be like You want