We counted down the days until Friday. Lillian cried all Thursday evening because she was short a day. Uncle Tiny and Courtney were coming and it was going to be a GREAT weekend.
And it was....
It was so nice having my little brother down. Since he lives so far away, we don't get to see him as often as we'd like. We try to keep in touch through email and whatnot, but it's just not the same as him being here. Alexa and Lillian adore him and he's Adam's favorite VID buddy - beef jerky - full throttles and all.
Adam and I took the girls to their friend Vienna's 4th Birthday party on Saturday afternoon. We were able to check out Matt and Tia's new basement - it was AWESOME. It gave me so many idea's for our basement (some day). I learned all about being a Douala and have a gal (Matt's Mom) who wants to train me any time I'm ready. Wouldn't that be just the coolest job - ever?
Adam chit chatted it up with everyone and the girls played with all of Vienna's toys and jumped in her jumper in the backyard. Their favorite part was Vienna's 2 great big dogs.
Afterwards, we met Uncle Tiny and Courtney at the MN Zoo, where they were going to take the girls for the rest of the afternoon and evening so Adam and I could go on our anniversary date. Tiny carried a backpack of snacks and water- just like a true YMCA camp councilor (hehe). Alexa loved the prairie dogs the most and Lillian liked the tiger. Courtney said the grizzly bear was the coolest and Tiny said he could have stayed another hour - he loved the whole thing.
I don't know what my girls enjoyed more - the zoo or all the special attention from their Uncle Tiny and Courtney. :)
Courtney and the girls at the zoo
Tiny and the girls watching the dolphins.
Tiny, Lilli and Alexa inside a sharks mouth.
Look how close they are to that big grizzly bear!!
Alexa and Lillian at the MN Zoo - July 2010

Not only were the girls spoiled for being able to go to the zoo. Courtney and Tiny treated them to dinner at McDonald's and icecream at the DQ.
Yummy Icecream!
Trying to warm each other up.
A true shot of how happy they are.
As for Adam and I...we enjoyed the late afternoon and evening shopping for a new car. Just doing our research for now, but hopfully within the year it will become a reality. We are desperately feeling the need for a 3rd row seat, without having to buy a mini-van. So far, the new 2010 Mazda 9 is looking pretty nice. :) We had a nice dinner together at Red Lobster - shared the Ultimate Seafood Platter and some stuffed seafood mushrooms. I sipped on a Mei-Tei and we had great conversation. We walked off our dinner at Target, shopping the back clearance aisles. I picked up some new ribbon (for my hair clippies I've been making - I'll post about that later) and an outfit or two for the girls. Oh - and baby wipes were on sale - SCORE!!
Then we went to a movie. Even though I've seen Eclipse (the 3rd in the Twilight series), I went again, so Adam could watch it with me. Now that people - is what a I call TRUE LOVE!! I'm so extremely lucky to have him!!
Sunday was HOT...we spent all day outside the backyard, playing in the swimming pool.
The cool the about Tiny and Courtney - they are just like big kids. They put their suits on and joined right in on the fun.
Alexa being goofy..
She manages to dodge the water at all costs.
I made guacamole dip.
Uncle Benski came to visit and we played Apples to Apples Jr.
Lillian and I even got a few minutes of shut eye in between all of that.
Closer to the evening we set up a bonfire in the backyard and roasted smores.
Tiny eating a smore.
She didn't want to eat them, but she liked to make them.
Adam and Tiny played VID. They brought the gold back the USA or saved the world or something...who knows?
Adam playing VID!
So intense.
Tiny and Courtney went to the Twin's game last night and had a blast (even tho the Twin's lost).
We miss them both so much already!