Thursday, July 29, 2010

I've become an obsessive hair clippie junkie.

I mentioned a few posts ago that I've been making hair clippies. It all came about when I was shopping through the dollar section of Target and came upon some cute ribbon.

I brought it home and took one of Lillian's hair clippies (that I bought) apart and then made my own with my new ribbon.

I loved it so much that I wanted to make more. I took the girls out one night to go find us some clippies. 5 stores and 3 hours later we came back with 24 hair clippies, more ribbon and some hot glue sticks. If anyone knows where I can find hair clippies in bulk, let me know. I tried Wal-Mart, Michael's, Jo-Ann Fabric and Target - all of which only had the LARGE ones in packs of 6. I found what I needed at CVS - a 12 pack for $2.99. I bought 2.

I've become an obsessive hair clippie junkie. If I could make a career out of it, I would. They are so fun to make and so gosh darn cute, I just can't help myself. I want to make them all the time. I want to make them for every little girl I know. I really do!

What do you think?? (warning: not the greatest pictures, because I was trying to avoid shadows)

Alexa likes the yellow one with purple polka dots because they are Viking colors.

See the one with the little rinestone? How cute it that?

Just wait til I get really good..I could add little buttons and other darling embellishments.

Soo?? Please tell me you think they are as cute as I do!!!
You want one?
You think your little princess would look absolutley adorable wearing one of these colorful hair clippies???
Just let me know.....and I would be happy to make one for her.