Lillian waking Alexa up this morning.
I asked Lillian this morning if I could nurse her, knowing that she would giggle and say, "No Mommy, I'm a big girl". I just had to ask anyways. Secretly I wanted her to say yes and secretly I wanted to have a milk supply.
Adam and I had a conversation the other night, trying to get things sorted out for Alexa to go to kindergarten. They don't make it so easy on the parents. I mean, either they get morning or afternoon kindergarten and all day is run on a lottery system. You have to coordinate daycare and who's going to get her on and off the bus. It's crazy. So many things to plan and so many scenarios to figure out.
At first I wasn't so worried about sending my baby off. We have a neighbor girl (Hannah) that's going to kindergarten, too. They could have potentially been in the same class, if not, at least ride the bus together.
We're still waiting on the final word from the school, but the inside scoop is that our street has 'afternoon's'. A big HOORAY for us, because that's what works best for our schedule. However, Hannah is getting on the bus at her daycare which is only 4 blocks away, but they happen to have 'morning' kindergarten.
So, as Adam and I are having our converstaion, I'm realizing that not only will Hannah and Alexa not be in the same class, they won't even ride the bus together. Then I come to realize that since Alexa has afternoon kindergarten, she won't even be riding the bus with the other neighborhood kids that she knows. Sigh!
This is not a huge deal, but as a Mommy, it's nice to have that comfort in knowing your kid at least knows SOMEONE on the bus.
We're hoping that we can work it out where she won't have to ride the bus to school and that Adam can drop her off. And then she can ride the bus home with the rest of the neighborhood kids after school. Please pray for us (ME) that it works out that way.
As we continue our converstaion, we talked about our friend's getting their son a cellphone. He's 10! Alexa is going to be 10 in 4 years. TEN!! Will we be needing to buy her a cellphone in 4 years, when she turns TEN??
Lillian starts preschool this fall. PRESCHOOL! MY BABY!
I will be 41 years old when Alexa graduates highschool. Adam will be 39.
When Alexa is a Senior, Lillian will be a Freshman.
I made Adam stop the converstaion there. I had a huge lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow.
My kids are growing up too quickly. And it's Freaking Me Out!!!
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