Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Facts from a VERY tired blabbermouth...

Side note: I totally wrote this post last Friday and wasn't able to upload because Blogger was down. I re-read it this morning and about died. I was SO TIRED when I wrote this. SO TIRED!! I've decided to post it anyways but, I'm warning you!!

I'm so tired right now that I just ran to the bank to make a deposit and don't remember driving there and back at all. I was so tired yesterday, that I noticed on like the 4th time I went to the bathroom that my underwear were on inside out. Yep! At least they were clean. Can't believe I just admitted that true little fact.

About a month or so ago I was out running errands for work and happened upon a garage sale. I picked up a few things and then rummaged through the FREE box at the end of the driveway. (I normally don't even bother with the free box, cuz it's all crap) But, I found Brittany Spears' first album. The one with 'Hit me Baby One More Time'. Totally not a fan of Britt, but I grabbed it for Alexa. And now I can't believe I'm admitting to this either, but I love it. I even listen to tracks #5 and #7 when Alexa's not even in the car.

I've been cleaning with Windex so much lately. Remember the post about cleaning window blinds? Well, I cleaned 8 of them - plus the windows, and it took me 2 weeks. Anyways, the smell of Windex is making me sick, like Somolian food did when I was pregnant. But, I'm NOT pregnant.

Last week Alexa had her hair in piggy tails and her hair is getting so long that she looked like Pippy Longstocking. I started calling her "Pippy". And then to tease her, I started calling her things like "Pipster" and "Pipper-butt" just to make her laugh. Then the other day on one of my fav blogs (Cjane) she had a guest post from her friend Reagan who has a daughter named Piper and she calls her "Pippy" and "Pip" and used words like "piptures" and many more pipisms like, "Pipsey". Isn't that funny?? I thought it was. It was like de ja'vous.

Adam and I got into an argument last night. Actually I can't even classify it as that. It was basically two overly tired/crabby people discussing important details of an important event too late at night. Here is how we made up this morning via text.

Me: Just incase you are wondering, I'm done being mad at you.

Adam:'re funny.

Me: Oh

Adam: Let's just pretend the discussion last night never happened. Deal or No Deal?

Me: I can forgive you for last night, because I love you. But, I can't forget the 'way' you talk to me sometimes.

Adam: Oh Wow! I must have been super tired and really crabby. I'm so sorry. I will never forget how overdramatic you get for no reason.

Dawn: Thanks for the apology.

Adam: Wow!

Me: :)

Adam: :(

Me: What?

Adam: You didn't apologize to me.

Me: Oh, I'm a little bit sorry for being overdramatic.

Adam: Ok, then I'll only "a little bit" accept your apology.

Me: hehe Love you

Adam: Luv u 2

And it was over after that. That simple people!

We call my little brother Tiny, who's really name is Danny, D-Lo sometimes. Lillian has caught on to it and calls him "Uncle D-Yo!" Frickin Adorable!

I love the way Lillian sleeps like she is still a newborn baby. Laying on her back arms straight above her head, legs sprawled out like a toad.