Subconsciously making my Saturday that much better

Since returning to Sri Lanka for my winter break I've been able to catch up on movies with Mummy dearest and so far we've managed to get through quite a few good flicks. After being requested to do a review on all of them I thought I'd take up the challenge and see which films ended up being especially memorable.
This week I'm reviewing Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' and let me tell you, there's something about this film. I watched it first in 3D, then I watched it on the plane and finally watched it again with Mummy. I wasn't too impressed with the 3D version and quite preferred it in 2D, I felt it was more beautiful that way.
Admittedly I was skeptical when I first saw the trailer (you can watch it here), although it was a Tim Burton I wasn't too happy that it didn't seem to be the original story (it's a mixture of Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Alice Through The Looking Glass') but still trusting the genius of Tim Burton I decided to watch it...and watch it and watch it!
It's ever so creative and boasts the darkness laced with sadness that only Tim Burton is capable of. The integration of computer graphics and real actors is smooth and barely noticeable, the script flows and you're never bored. I definitely suggest this for all, especially those with big imaginations.
Luckily for me, on a personal note, my college ball is going with the 'Alice in Wonderland' theme so look out for that blog entry next month!