Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Run for the Camera! The Sun is shining!

Having received my delivery of a new knife I thought I would put it to the test with a little paper cutting. It passed the test and got my eldest hooked on stenciling Rock Stars for his own Banksy style posters! I never get to keep anything for long in this house!

I am also chuffed to pieces with a lovely set of cute Christmas stamps and have produced my first Christmas card of the year! Albeit a very simple design.

And finally I have got my website up and running! wooo Joy! :D

There are only a few wine glass charms up for the time being but it is a start!

Like the true professional that I am, I made a set of Fimo Wine glass charms for a commission and failed to photograph them before Selling! D'uh

So have made three more though I am not happy with the present with the larger ribbon as the gold leaf looks Naff.