Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our new Addition

My husband loves Persian cats. We had to put his favorite cat, a silver-tipped Persian we called Prissy, to sleep this past April. Only in the last couple weeks has he even considered getting another one. It's surprised him how much he misses her.

Over the weekend we were offered a pure-bred, Persian kitten. He's 6 months old, weighs 5 lbs., and has tabby markings. We got him on Sunday and he already thinks he owns the house. He's smaller than he looks.

The "big boys" Sam & Tigger pretty much just ignore him. We've been surprised that Tigger wasn't more angry about his arrival. Sasha is terrified of him. She's found a new perch high up on my scrapbook shelves and that's where she spends most of her time now. She's gradually getting better but it's slow going.

Since he thinks he's "king of the castle" and since he's a Persian, we decided to name him Darius after the biblical Persian king. So here's our new addition: