WE HAVE ZUCCHINI!!!!! WOohooooo!! I'm so excited! A few months back, Reagan, Josh and I planted a garden. Josh worked really hard slogging through water logged ground to til it, and then Reagan and I spread potting soil..yes potting soil, I was determined! And then we planted tiny little seeds in the ground. Those seeds have come a long way baby!!
We planted zucchini, peas, green beans, cucumbers, spaghetti squash and pumpkins. We were able to harvest 3 green beans..they were fantastic! But...the rest have been taken over by the zucchini..half of our yard and our neighbor's yard have been taken over by the zucchini! We have little baby cucumbers growing, a couple of harvest-able zucchini, a few squash growing and TONS of beautiful yellow flowers waiting to turn into ripe vegetables! I can't wait to harvest cucumbers, pumpkins and squash!
A side note: big fail on the container growing this year..oh well.