At the beginning of the month I blogged about my game plan to try to make June one of the Best Etsy Sales Months Ever! I worked hard on thrifting, taking photos, and listing on Etsy as many days out of the week as I could fit in! I joined Lookville, Submitted photos to the PREZZ*D Magazine, and Sponsored the MouseVoxVintage Blog for an advertising spot!
We're having some construction done on the house, I was gone for a long weekend, and we have a couple new kittens in the house. All these things have a been a huge distraction, which makes me think I can work even harder next month, and hopefully do even better with my Etsy shop than in June!
I am happy to say, that even thought June wasn't the Best month I have EVER had on Etsy, It was Very Close! June turned out to be an Excellent Month!! I worked hard, and I made just about as many sales as I have in my best months! I also have lots more in stock, tons of things listed, and I feel like I'm really organized, so I can keep expanding! I also think all the hard work I've put in this month will keep paying off in the months to come.
Here's a chart just because they are fun!
Did I mention today we brought home a pair of Persian Kittens? This is my first real kitten experience. I always had Dogs growing up, but my boyfriend always had cats. We are so excited. I am hoping to update the shop tonight, but it's hard for me to think about anything but the new little fuzz balls in the other room!
How did your June go? What's your game plan for July?
Thanks for reading!