We went out to some trails for a walk the other day, and I was so happy to see some hints that spring is on the way! It's great to see some color outside for a change. And while we still have a little bit of snow, it's melting pretty quickly at this point and I think I am officially putting my warm boots into the closet until next winter!
It really hit me that spring was coming yesterday, when 6:30 pm rolled around and I realized it was still nice and light outside. That felt fabulous, and I am so ready for longer days and warmer weather!
What signs of the seasons changing are you seeing? Every area is so different! I've seen flowers in bloom on some of the blogs I read, and snow still falling on others! My brother is enjoying 80 degree weather in North Carolina today, and even sent me a photo of an ice cream truck making it's rounds! (What a tease! He know how much I love a good ice cream truck!)