It's no secret that the weather in MN is starting to feel a little more spring-like. We've seen temps in the low 50's a day or 2 and I'll admit that these days I've walked out the door to work without socks. But, shorts??

Alexa, Lillian and I have been taking Chip for walks after school and the fresh air has done us all a ton of good. Chip is loving the long walks and runs and getting some excersise again after the long winter.
Saturday, my brother Ben and his girlfriend Kelly stopped by for lunch. It was so nice to see Kelly again after her 6 month figure skating journey on Royal Caribbean Voyager. It was so interesting to hear all about her adventures of life on a cruise ship for half a year.
Alexa was so proud to show her that she can now do the splits and a cartwheel.
Below are Kelly and Alexa doing the splits together.
How many of you just said...OUCH?? haha
Adam grilled pork chops and chicken while they were here and we enjoyed the tastes of spring and summer grillin.
We celebrated a neighbor and good friends Birthday Saturday night. It was a blast getting together with such good friends. It's been waaay too long since this particular group has gotten all together and it just reminded me of how awesome these people are and how lucky we are to have them in our lives. The Birthday boy (Mike) is the oldest of the group, so you can imagine all the fun we had with the gag gifts.
Alexa and Lillian had their favorite babysitters over - Tori and Courtney!!
Courtney's sister and good friend of the girls came, too. They were in their jammies and watched movies and had popcorn and juice boxes. They were up late and lots of girlie fun.
All 3 little girls were sleeping when we got home - all snuggled up on the couches with their blankies. It was obvious my girls were pretty wore out because they didn't wake up until 9:15 this morning.
We had to hurry and scurry to get ready for church. The girls had Childrens Litergy. Alexa has been going for quite awhile, but recently Lillian has started going, too. Alexa takes good care of her and she has a lot of fun.
Lillian's outfit can be found here.
I hope you all had a great weekend.

Alexa was so proud to show her that she can now do the splits and a cartwheel.
Below are Kelly and Alexa doing the splits together.
Adam grilled pork chops and chicken while they were here and we enjoyed the tastes of spring and summer grillin.
We celebrated a neighbor and good friends Birthday Saturday night. It was a blast getting together with such good friends. It's been waaay too long since this particular group has gotten all together and it just reminded me of how awesome these people are and how lucky we are to have them in our lives. The Birthday boy (Mike) is the oldest of the group, so you can imagine all the fun we had with the gag gifts.
Alexa and Lillian had their favorite babysitters over - Tori and Courtney!!
Courtney's sister and good friend of the girls came, too. They were in their jammies and watched movies and had popcorn and juice boxes. They were up late and lots of girlie fun.
All 3 little girls were sleeping when we got home - all snuggled up on the couches with their blankies. It was obvious my girls were pretty wore out because they didn't wake up until 9:15 this morning.
We had to hurry and scurry to get ready for church. The girls had Childrens Litergy. Alexa has been going for quite awhile, but recently Lillian has started going, too. Alexa takes good care of her and she has a lot of fun.
I hope you all had a great weekend.