Sometimes blogging is so “surface” and never gets to anything much deeper. This is definitely not one of those posts.
If you’re in a hurry (and I realize that many people are) then, simply skip over it...I totally understand. But, if you’ve got the time, I have some important things to share with you and it is particularly geared toward my friends on here that are involved in different types of creativity from art to sewing to decorating.
I have met so many of you through art and blogging and not necessarily in that order. But, over the past few months, I have really pondered about something.
Have you ever wondered how it is that so many of us came to do art at the same time? To me, it is like a modern-day Renaissance. A quiet Renaissance at that.
Here are all these women from across the globe creating every day--and let’s admit it--it’s non-stop. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever wondered what’s behind it all?
I think that the reason we create is that it comes from God and that is who is behind and through all of this creativity...
I think we are all Art Sisters...Yes, that’s my term for it. Come on, you know who you are. Yes, I mean you and you and you....
I wrote a letter to my friend Nancy the other night in which I made an analogy. I said that if you look up into the sky and see the stars, it is so beautiful....Well, I think that we are each like one of those stars and contribute to the total picture. That’s why we’re all in this together. I just have this feeling that our creating and blogging is no accident. What do you think?
But, there’s more...
I know that in the old days, women used to sit on the porch and create quilts and talk...In many ways, through the internet, this is our modern day version of it. Because, remember that in the midst of quilting, the women talked and shared. That’s also a part of what made it so meaningful.
So, how are we different than women of those days? We create on our own in our own work spaces and then, we share it. And don’t you think we all need feedback? I think we do! But, not just about art, but life, as well. So, in effect, art is the vehicle that allows us to share what we are feeling.
I have to tell you that there are times I go to a blog and see something beautiful and think, “Oh my gosh, this is totally amazing!” I get so excited. When I see someone make something fabulous, or decorate, or create a tablescape, I am thrilled beyond belief.
For those of us who are artists, I would like for you to consider something important. There is something else that is different about what we create. It doesn’t necessarily hang on a wall in a museum...It is more personal. It goes into people’s homes and homes are definitely the microcosm of existence. So, our art somehow becomes part of people’s lives--and that is powerful! They can look at it every day. Have you ever thought of that before?
One night, I had a dream. This happened a year ago. In it, there were colors that don’t even exist in the waking world. It was as if I was taken to another dimension. But, trust me, I saw it with my own eyes. The colors were vibrant and amazing. The magnificence of it stayed with me for weeks. Maybe you’ve had a similar dream...If you have, please let me know.
When I began creating art, I didn't know that blogging existed. I created alone. But now that I am aware of so much creativity abounds (and often by people who never created before) I wonder how this all came about and what everyone's different stories are.
How did you start doing it? What made you start creating? Was it an outgrowth of something else you had been doing for years?
I know--I'm asking alot of questions, but I'm curious because I think that what is happening is bigger than what we can see on the surface...I wonder if in the future this phenomenon will be viewed as an artistic movement.
To all of you who came to visit my blog, thank you for coming. I would love to hear your feedback. I'm curious. I really am. And it is sincere.