This week is spring break for Alexa and even though she was begging to go back to school on Tuesday already, she has been enjoying her time off hanging out (and cleaning the house) with her Papa. After their big project of cleaning the playroom yesterday they head out to the garage for some manly work - putting the seat down on Alexa's old bike and the training wheels back on.
Yes, Alexa is handing her bike on down to her little sister.
Lillian has been riding a radio flyer trike since last summer and although she loves it, it's clear that she is ready for a big girl bike. I was a bit surprised that this all happened so quickly. The hubs and I never really talked about the switch from her trike to the bike. If you know me at all, you know that this is a lot for me to handle. I get a little bit emotional about my babies growing up and entering new stages in their lives. I welcome them with open arms, but I'm not going to lie - a tear or 2 were shed when I saw her trike hanging up in the garage and her new (Alexa's old) big girl bike was setting down with her horn and helmet waiting for her. I thought maybe she would totally deny that bike and demand her trike back, but she didn't. Alexa had her out of the car and on her new bike immediately when we got home. I helped her down the driveway and off she went.
My babies are growing up so quickly!!
Speaking of spring break. This also marks the end of the 2nd trimester for Alexa in Kindergarten. She brought her 2nd report card home last Friday and let's just say we are celebrating all week!! We could not be more proud of our smart little daughter. Kindergarteners are graded on a number system 1-4. 1, of course, being the beginning level. She needs to be at a level 3 in all areas to be ready for the 1st grade. We are so proud that she has ALL 4's in the Math category and 3's and 4's in Literacy (reading). She is over and beyond ready for the 1st grade. Sorry - just had to brag a bit - I'm ONE PROUD MOMMY!!