Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wonderful Blessings--Beautiful Friends


Hi Everyone~

This week has been a week of amazing surprises from wonderful friends! My friend Dore from Burlap Luxe sent me this amazing vintage piece that she made into a magnet. I had to share it with you. Everything Dore creates "turns to gold" in her hands...We may be miles away, but we are so close in heart.


I met my friend Barbara through the One World One Heart event...She is an astounding gallery artist and I won this magnificent print of her original artwork...Her work is amazing!

And, just yesterday, she created a post introducing bloggers to my work...I was so overwhelmed by her kindness. Barbara is new to blogging and I hope you will have a chance to visit her and say "hi!"


I met Alveen through One World One Heart and won this scrumptious wall-hanging...All I can say is, "Be still my heart." I love it and was so surprised! Her work is so beautiful and I am so humbled to receive a piece of it. To see more of her creations, please go here.


I won this book from Marie and I know that I will treasure it always. Doesn't it just look like something I would want? I was so surprised and am so grateful for the chance to have won it when Marie offered it as her giveaway for One World One Heart. She is a sweetheart!


Britt is so filled with creativity and I won one of these handmade treasures from her during the One World One Heart event...These are so beautiful and I was so surprised to win one of her creations!

I hope that you are all having a happy and creative day filled with joy!

Also, if you have not signed up to enter the giveaway for my Mardi Gras tags, just zip on
down to the next post and let me know if you'd like a chance to win!
