Thursday nights are "Girls Night" at our house because the hubs works late.
We usually watch a movie, play some fun games and dance around the house and sing at the top of our lungs. Alexa and Lillian love it and I'm a huge fan of it, too.
Last night, we made these awesome cookies for a special treat.
They were SO easy for the girls to help make. They did all the mixing, ball forming and rolling in powdered sugar. They tured out absolutely DELISH!
It's a great snack to quick whip up for the kids after school or when you have some unexpected company. You can make them in a few short minutes and you don't have to bake them, just pop 'em in the fridge to harden up a bit and they are good to go.
Visit Momma's Kinda Crafty for the recipe.
Last night was an extra special "Girls Night" because Uncle Tiny and Courtney got to participate. They are here for the weekend visiting and going to the MN WILD game tonight with our cousin Christopher and his g/f Natalie. Alexa and Lilli were overjoyed to see them and got to stay up especially late to hang out.
I'm SO happy to have my little brother visiting. We were up so late laughing until it hurt. I love laughing til it hurts. It's so refreshing and theraputic. :)
Have a great weekend!!