Each project for that week includes the same or similar items, making it eaiser for you to plan ahead and pick up the items you don't have laying around the house.
The variety of creations your child will make throughout this book are so much fun and sure to inspire them to bring out their own artistic flare.
What fun to make things with household items that you wouldn't normally think of using for your crafts. Egg cartons, Cd's, plastic berry cartons, junk mail, sock, old photos, bubble wrap and tin cans.
Last summer we had a neighbor girl watch Alexa during the afternoons. They had a blast making art projects every day. Alexa is so excited to be able to use the Art with Anything book again this summer. It will keep them busy for sure.
A pro and a con to the book would be that there is no pictures showing what the finished project should look like. There are step by step instructions, but the vision of the project is all your own. For me, I like to have somewhat of an idea of what the project is supposed to look like, but on the other hand it allows us to use our own creativity and not have something to 'compare' our work to. The author's signature style is "It's the process, not the product".
I definitley recommed this book to all Mom's that have run our of ideas to keep your kids busy. It's also great for preschools and child care centers - as making art is is one of the most compelling ways children learn.
Art with Anything is recommended for children ages 4-10 and can be purchased from Gryphon House for $19.95.
Thanks to Gryphon House for giving me and my family the oppertunity to review such a great book!
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