My little brother (we call him Tiny) and his girlfriend Courtney came to visit us Thursday night thru Sunday.
It was the best - except when I had to work on Friday and the hubs was able to spend the whole day hanging out with them at Chipotle and the mall. I felt totally left out.
Tiny and I
We stayed up way too late, but it was worth it. Getting visits from my brothers doesn't happen all that often so we need to take advantage.
I was so excited they were here, but Alexa and Lillian were even more excited.
Getting spoiled by their uncles is one of their favorite things in the world.
Alexa and Courtney - eating chips!
Alexa and Courtney - eating chips!
It was the first Birthday were I didn't stay with them. It was at the little girls house and they played games and ate pizza and cupcakes. I was a little nervous how Lillian would handle me leaving, but she pretty much ignored me the second she saw all her friends. Alexa was a great big sister and kept an eye on her the whole time.
While they were at the party, my cousin Christopher came over. It was a weekend of family visits and I loved it. :)
Alexa had another Birthday party for one of her classmates later Saturday evening.
We dropped her off and then took Tiny and Courtney to the Farmington Steak House for dinner.
Like always, it was a huge hit. You just can't go wrong at there.
Adam and Tiny on the way to the Steak House
The bench was freezing !!
The weekend and weather may have been too much for my Cruzie, tho. She sneezed about 5 times in a row last night before she went to bed and woke up with a stuffy nose and begging for her nebulizer. This is the FIRST sniffle any of us have had all winter. I am determined to nip it in the bud with lots of sleep and fluids. I hate having sick kiddos. I give her credit, tho. She is in a great mood this morning and full of smiles.
Tiny and Court vs. Adam and I.
I'd never played before, but Adam and I managed to win.
Beginners luck!
Sunday we woke up to it snowing. It started light at first, but throughout the day it got worse and worse. At times I wasn't able to see the neighbors house across the street.
Tiny and Courtney left early enough to make it before the really bad stuff came.
I was kinda hoping that they'd head out, realize it was too bad to continue driving and turn around and come back, but unfortunatley it was only wishful thinking.
We ended up getting close to 16 inches of snow Saturday.
Lillian's school was canceled yesterday due to the weather.
And we got another 5-6 inches.
We had so many 'warm' days prior to this that a really good chunk of the snow we had gotten this winter had melted. Well, we got it all back in a matter of 48 hours.
Thank goodness that it's sunny today or I'd be cursing the snow.
The weekend and weather may have been too much for my Cruzie, tho. She sneezed about 5 times in a row last night before she went to bed and woke up with a stuffy nose and begging for her nebulizer. This is the FIRST sniffle any of us have had all winter. I am determined to nip it in the bud with lots of sleep and fluids. I hate having sick kiddos. I give her credit, tho. She is in a great mood this morning and full of smiles.