Happy Valentine's Day!
It was such an amzing Valentine weekend for us. It was what I've been waiting for, for awhile - just some plain old "family time'. My FIL was in town and was supposed to stay with us Friday night and possibly Saturday night, too. But, ended up heading back home early, but not without giving the girls some money to eat at McDonald's. What a guy, huh? It was a real big treat to the girls - and the got to sit on the high bar stools which is their favorite.
We enjoyed lots and lots of time outdoors this weekend. It reached close to 50 degrees here in Minnesota. Considering we've been down below zero for the past week or more, this was a much needed heat wave for us. However, it's kind of a tease because now I just want all the snow to just disappear and have it be 60-70 degrees forever. Reality is tho, we'll have a few more snow days.
It was so much fun seeing some neighbors out this weekend. We all seem to hibernate during the winter - but, seeing them all out enjoying the warmth and sun made me want spring/summer to come even more. Weekend bonfires and grill-out's can't come soon enough.
We also did some rearranging this weekend. We have a split level house and the family room downstairs rarely got used because it was cluttered with all the girls' toys. So, we took the futon and desk out of the 4th bedroom (what we call their dance room - where their dance stage is) and put all their toys in there and made it one big play room. The futon and the desk are now in the living room giving us a ton more room and a much more functional space.
The girls having a tea party in their new playroom.
The love of my life got to spend his Sunday afternoon doing one of his favorite things - GRILLING!! The weather was so nice, the kids were out in sweatshirts and the hubs grilled his little heart out. There is nothing that smells more like spring than firing up the grill.
It was DELISH!!
For the hubs and I, Valentine's Day is every day. I know that sounds totally cliche, but it's true. We really go out of our way to make each and every day special and make sure to tell each other how much we love each other as often as possible. We'll be married 7 years this summer and I love him more now than ever. Flowers, diamonds, chocolate means nothing compared to the love and support that he gives me every single day. He is literally the best husband I could ever ask for and he is by far the most incredible Papa to our children. He over exceeds my expectations as a life long partner all the time. I couldn't ask for more. He is truly the BEST!
We get the girls a little something for Valentine's Day every year. Usually just some small trinkets and candy. This year wasn't really any different, but I put a little spin on the presentation.
I had them sitting on the table for them this morning and they were so happy. We also got them some Tinkerbell chocolates and some cute little sunglasses.
This is Alexa's Valentine to us.
I hope all of you have the very best Valentine's Day.
This is Alexa's Valentine to us.
She decorated it and turned it into the sweetest Valentine card. I love it.
Lillian wanted to give us a Valentine, too. She shared just 'one' of her Hershey kisses. haha
and smothered Adam and I with a million kisses this morning (which is totally better than chocolate). She also told us over and over how much she loves us. Awww.
I hope all of you have the very best Valentine's Day.
I hope it's filled with lots of love......and chocolate, too. ;)