Normally, I would look at a vampire-themed book, and say "nope, not my cup of tea!" But author Kate Pearce has turned me into a Tudor-vampire-fan!

In the second book in the "Tudor Vampire Chronicles" series, "Blood of the Rose," the now betrothed Rosalind and Christopher are reunited after more than a year apart when a new threat against King Henry arises once again. This time the threat involves the object of King Henry's affection, the lovely and seemingly innocent Anne Boleyn, but Anne might not be as innocent (or as young) as she seems, especially when she shows a definite taste for blood.
As Rosalind and Christopher struggle with learning to trust each other, they must question the loyalty of everyone surrounding the King and his intended new queen. Life is certainly never dull when there's a vampire or two around!
Kate Pearce's "Tudor Vampire Chronicles" series is so creatively written that you almost forget you are reading a vampire-themed novel. I love how she is incorporating each of King Henry VIII's wives as the centerpoint of each novel. Combining fast-paced action with historical facts and a generous helping of romanctic escapades, Kate continues to thrill and chill her readers with this original and clever series.
The next book, "Mark of the Rose," is coming in August! I can't wait!!
About the Author:
Kate Pearce was born into a large family of girls in England, and spent much of her childhood living very happily in a dream world. Despite being told that she really needed to ‘get with the program’, she graduated from the University College of Wales with an honors degree in history.
After graduation, real life did intervene and she ended up working in finance which was not the greatest career choice for a would-be writer!
A move to the USA finally allowed her to fulfill her dreams and sit down and write that novel. Along with being a voracious reader, Kate loves trail riding with her family, ‘western style’ in the regional parks of Northern California
Kate writes in several different romance sub-genres under different names. She is a member of RWA and is published by Kensington Aphrodisia, Ellora’s Cave and Virgin Black Lace/Cheek.
My thanks to Nancy Breland Public Relations for the review copy of this book. I was not compensated for my opinions.
CHALLENGE FULFILLMENT: 100+ Books; Where Are You Reading?; Mystery/Suspense; ARC Reading; Romance Reading.