Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shiro Cosmetics: Order and LOTD

So after hearing about Shiro Cosmetics from every single person out there and listening to the ranting and raving of how great the products are...well obviously I had to get on the bandwagon and get some samples of my own to rant about.

I ended up getting a selection of purples and neutrals...because that is how I roll. I do not do greens or blues or silvers or blacks (how many blacks do you need at the end of the day? You get one and you have them all for goodnessakes!) because the easiest looks for me to do are either a purple-ish mess or a neutral barely there look. Or sometimes I even combine purples with neutrals, shocking I know.

Anyway, the free samples I got were right on par with my whole no other colors but purple or browns. Although Midna is a suspicious gray from the looks of it...

I may not approve. It sort of kills my whole firm stance on not having other colors but purple or neutrals. Kidding, I do do other colors but around the time I placed this order I was on a neutrals kick for the most part and of course I ordered purples just because you can never have too many purples.

I ordered all samples because to be honest I do not need so much make up and I feel like it will be a waste to get jars I will end up leaving to collect dust. No, samples are good because you use samples more. Somehow I find I do anyway, oddly enough I hate having to deal with baggies but I use samples more than my full sizes. I am a little strange like that...

So all the hype over Shiro Cosmetics? To be honest I am kind of not bowled over. Sacrilegious I know, stake me now, but honestly they have gorgeous colors and have some great products in their line but that sort of fits them in with some other companies out there. I refrain from doing comprehensive reviews these days because what can you say? The same thing pretty much.

Plus, I am not a certified beauty blogger and never will be. I blog about everything and if I feel the need to say something, I will. Hence this entry.

I love what Shiro Cosmetics has to offer and I certainly recommend their purples. Enough said. Here is the look I did using Lance the Dragon Trainer and Ganondorf - told you I mix my purples with neutrals sometimes. Actually this was an accident. I have no idea what encouraged me to mix purple and brown hardly feels rights. Oh well.