If you had any idea how nervous I was all day about coming to see you, you would fully appreciate how grateful I am for you being so patient, gentle and kind to my teeth tonight. I know I should floss more and maybe even brush more and probably consume less sugar. I promise to work on that so that next time I come in for a cleaning, you will notice that my teeth are cavity free. I should tell you tho, that I treated myself to a cupcake after our visit, because I did such a good job of not gagging or crying...you even said so. Thanks for talking to me about my kids, that always helps relax me. Oh, and please don't tell funny stories about 3 of your buddies falling on you at a party and breaking 3 of your ribs while have my face is numb and you have 5 tools and a couple fingers in my mouth. It makes it hard for me to laugh at you. Anyways, thanks again...you're awesome! See ya again next week.
Love, Dawn
P.S. Can I try on your cool dentist glasses?