Monday, October 25, 2010

Sorry I have been MIA for the past few days. Trying to juggle a full time job, being a full time Mom and Wife and the chaos of it all and then finding the time to blog about it is nearly impossible at times.

We had a whirl wind weekend that I'll blog about that tonight. I really can't believe it's Monday already! I guess time flies when you're having fun...

A huge highlight, tho, was meeting this little guy.

Carl Fritz
Born Oct. 13th to my very bestest friend, Amanda.
We was perfect size at 7lbs 10oz. and 21" long.

We met half way between her house and my parents for lunch. I was able to leave the girls with my parents and my hubs was occupied watching football, so I was able to have a peaceful visit and lunch with Amanda on Sunday and of course got my baby fix with little Carl. It makes me sad that we live so far away so I don't get to see them very often.
Thank goodness for pictures!!!!!!!
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