Monday, October 25, 2010

We are FAMILY!!!

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We had this weekend planned for weeks..months really.
We were all going to get together up at my grandparents house to rake leaves.
We've done this before and it's loads of fun. I mean, who doesn't love to play and frolic in the leaves? The weather here in MN has been unbelievabley nice this fall and we were all looking forward to spending the day with cousins, aunts and uncles and of course grandpa and grandma.
But, what do you know, we woke up Saturday morning to pouring rain. It later turned to a drizzle and then eventually stopped, but all the leaves were sopping wet and the ground was full of mud. So, no leaf pile jumping for us! It hasn't rained for weeks, so it was a bit of a bummer that it had to make an appearance this weekend, but with great company, we made the best of it and had a great time. There is nothing more amazing than the teamwork of a supportive family. We all pitched in and got the yard raked, gutter guards put up, Christmas lights hung and windows washed and clean...and literally 2 mins after it was all finished it started pouring again. Thank you God for holding off until the last strand of lights were hung around the porch.

I especially love this photo below and it will forever make me laugh every time I look at it.
It's of my cousin Grant, Uncle Dwight, my Hubs, Dad and Brother Tiny all staring up at the garage after we had hung lights around the whole perimiter. It was literally like a scene out of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. They had hung icicle lights and when they turned them on, little sections all around the garage didn't work. Here they are pondering why, how and what to do. I love it, it totally cracks me up.

These pictures right here are what it's all about.
Working together. A loving family.
I want my Grandpa and Grandma to know how much we all love and adore them.
They have done so much and we appreciate their love and support they give each and every one of us. They are the rocks that hold us together, who've molded our families into what they are. They've taught us how to love and to give and accept. And they give strength to those who let go. They are a little of what some people may call 'old fashion', but I say that maybe we should all be a little more old fashion!

Saturday night we took a trip to visit my other Grandpa and take him out for dinner.
Here he is with one of his favorite little granddaughters. Lillian being the other, of course.
We had a great Chinese dinner and then I was happy to have a one on one chat with him for a little while afterwards.
And here is another picture of Baby Carl and I!
This is right before he filled his pants in my arms. haha
Wanna know one of my favorite parts of the weekend??
My little brother Tiny surprised us by being there. He had told us he had other plans, so we didn't expect to see him. But, lo and behold -the little bugger showed up. We were so happy to see him. Too bad he had a bit of the sickies, but I don't feel sorry for him much, because he stayed up until 2am playing video games with my husband. Boys! When will they learn that sleep is the best medicine?

I kinda felt like there was so much going on all weekend that I didn't get to see my Mom and Dad that much. I mean, we were always togeher, but always busy, so that good quality time wasn't there. But, I know that my Dad will be closing the golf course soon and they will both have more time to come visit us very soon. Right?

It's 10 o'clock at night and Lillian is still wide awake, running around butt naked, begging for a snack.
Why can't I get this child to go to bed....or wear clothes...or actually eat a decent dinner, so she isn't always begging for snacks?