Just a little filler, just whiling away my days
Yet again I've been awful with updating my blog and for that I apologize! I know I won't get anywhere without a little dedication, a little motivation and lots of hard work but life has been so tough on me lately. I've been really sick for two weeks and only now I seem to be getting better but it's still very, very slow progress. I've got a lot of university work to catch up on and next week is going to be another one of those weeks but I'm doing entries from now itself so never fear!
Also since I have holidays coming up I might spend a little time revamping Suki Chronicles as well so just a heads up. What else is to come...quite a few reviews on Indie companies and possibly more lengthy entries on my personal life maybe, still on the fence with that.
Hope everyone has been well! I know a worldwide flu is spreading since every where in the world the seasons are shifting from one extreme to the next so everyone keep healthy and don't fall victim to this terrible flu!