Thursday, September 23, 2010

Toddler Talk Thursday - Art

I just had to share these cute pictures from Cruzie's 1st bus ride.
I was acting like a total Mamarazzi yesterday taking photos of her getting off the bus.
I'm so fortunate to be able to work next door to her school, so I saw when her bus was arriving back from their field trip and ran over there to snap some cute shots of her. Sometimes I think people think I'm totally crazy, but I am OK with making a big deal out of things like their first bus ride. After all, all these "firsts" only happen once...right?
She sat with her teacher Ms. Alli (fourth seat from the back)
Ms. Alli held her up so she could peak at me..and so I could snap this cute photo.

What a big girl walking down those big steps all by herself.

So happy, returning from her field trip.

She had an absolute blast at the apple orchard.
She picked apples (ate 3 on the way home and saved one for her sister),
made apple cider,
went on a hayride,
jumped in big piles of hay
and had a great time on the bus.
She said she had to be quiet because of of her friends fell asleep.


I like to participate in Toddler Talk Thursday's even tho my kids aren't really considered 'toddlers' anymore.
This week's topic is: ART
I dug this not-so-good photo out from the archives of the photo gallery in my phone, but it shows you the way I love to do painting projects in my house.

I take a huge roll of brown packaging paper and spread it across your whole table, cover each corner and tape it underneath, plop some circles of paint in the middle and have my kids go wild. I've learned that rather than sitting down to paint, they like to stand. So, move the chairs away and I can put down a little step stool for Lilli. They can walk all around the table and paint the whole thing.
Clean up is easy when they're done. Just untape the paper, roll it up and toss it, display the beautiful artwork, or even cut out fun shapes in the midst of all their pretty colors.

Please stop by and visit Emily and her cute-as-a-button Squishy at Family and Life in Las Vegas!! She has a fun giveaway going on from Ella's Kitchen. Hurry, the giveaway ends tomorrow.