Monday, September 20, 2010

Birthday Party/New Hair Style/Bad Cold

Even though I feel like a pile of crappy-poo, I wanna tell you about our weekend.

We passed up Friday movie night to hang with some of our coolest neighbors. They put in a new driveway and front patio, which looks totally awesome and I'm super jeal. So, we had to go admire and enjoy it with them. The kids ran all over the yard, played 'house' and rode their scooters. Have you ever heard of rip sticks? I think that's what they're called. It's like a skateboard with only 2 wheels and you don't have to push one foot on the ground to make yourself go like a regular skateboard, you just kinda do this funky shake of your hips type thing and you just glide along. I wish I had a picture or a video to show you, but of course I didn't have my camera at the time. Anyways, my husband Adam and our friends brother Adam, both attempted the rip stick, which really should only be handled my a nimble child with top notch coordination skills. My husband Adam, fell flat on his butt in the middle of the street and our friends brother Adam (wearing a 5 year olds bike helmet) fell on his back, spilling a drink only 21 year olds can handle all over himself. It was hilarious to say the least. I love our neighbors so much. You'll get sick of hearing me say that, but I do. They are all such incredible people, who we have so much fun with. The kids are amazing and all get along so well. It's like one big happy family, everyone unique and awesome in their own way.

We were with them all day Saturday, too, celebrating this cool little dude's 5th Birthday.

Cody's party was from 1-4pm and we didn't leave until after 9, so you know we were having a great time. I even made beef jerky with Dave. We're thinking about going into business together - D&D Jerky!! haha Silly, I know.

We played football, jumped on the trampoline, did crafty projects, played with Cody's new toys and I took a thousand and one pictures of myself on Jamie's camera, so when she looks at all the pics of Cody's party, she will have a beautiful surprise. haha

After the party we went over to another neighbors, so she could do my hair. She is hair stylist extraordinaire. She's Russian, exotic and can wear any hair style and make it look good. Not me, though. I'm the plain Jane, low maintenance, blow dry and go type. So, she colored it, cut it and styled it and made me look Hot. I loved it, my husband loved it and my little fashionista, Alexa loved it (Lillian fell asleep on James' bean bag).

I woke up feeling like junk on Sunday. Sore throat, stuffed up nose and more tired when I woke up than I was when I went to bed. We went to church anyways, only to leave shortly after we got there because Lillian being so naughty. She almost tripped the priest, I was so embarrassed, because he made such a big deal about it. It was the day of the churches fall festival and the theme was "Tail Gating Party" or something pertaining to football. So, when he almost fell over Lillian, who was running up and down the aisle - he said "Whoa, it's a TACKLE!!". OMG! Everyone laughed, but I was mortified.

We dropped Adam off at home, grabbed some quick lunch and then I took the girls back to the church for the festival. They played the fish pond, cake walk and all the other activities they had set up and then we watched the Farmington HS Dance Team perform. Tori, our favorite babysitter performed as well as Courtney, who also lives just down the street. Afterwards, they gave the little kids a dance lesson. Alexa was all for it, but Lillian was being her shy self. They also had these little booklets to get all the dancers autographs. Lillian was totally into that.

Lillian at the fish pond.

Alexa getting a dance lesson from the dance team.

Alexa and her favorite babysitter, Tori!

Alexa and Courtney

Courtney, Alexa and Viktoriya

We played outside a little bit while Adam mowed the lawn and then came in for baths, dinner and bed. The girls were asleep by 7.

Adam and I vegged on the couch and watched Jersey-licious.

This morning I got up early to play with my new hair cut. Umm..yeah..I suck so horribly bad at styling my hair. I managed to make Inna's masterpiece look like a mullet. Ugh. Plus, I feel like my head is swimming with a sinus infection. AND it's raining. Waaa!

I just got a text from my hubs though telling me to "Smile, Castle is on tonight". YAY!! You will also find me sprawled on the couch 2 hours before that, watching DWTS.

P.S. Lillian is feeling so much better. She kicked her cold like a champ. :)

Hope you all have a fabulous Monday!!