Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am Blessed!

I LOVE these girls.
I just want to eat them up.
I want to chew on their cheeks and that little ounce of baby fat the still have on their thighs.
Yesterday, my husband sent me an email at about 12:58, right after Alexa got on the bus.
He said he was almost in tears because when Alexa got on the bus that takes her to kindergarten, she got to her seat, peaked out the window and shot him the biggest smile ever and a thumbs up, as she rode away.
He said it was like her little way of showing him that she was alright.
She is a big girl and was going to have a good day at school.
He didn't have to worry about her.
It's like in her own little way, she knew....she knew that her Papa needed that extra little thumbs up from her.
Last night they both danced around in their leotards as we watched Dancing with the Stars.
They made such great dance partners...Sisters!!
They made a bed of blankets and pillows on the living room floor so Adam and I could watch Castle while they fell asleep. Lillian slept in her panties, as she prefers to be.
I'm so blessed to have these 2 amazing little girls and the best husband in the whole world.
How can I be so lucky?
Praying for my Grandma Katie today.
She went into the hospital yesterday morning after a fainting spell.
They are testing her heart and have her on IV's.
A minor heart attack has been mentioned and complications due to her getting struck by lightning over the summer. (I'm not kidding...shot right through an outlet and went right up her leg.)
But, looks like what they see so far is her being anemic.
They are keeping her to run more tests today.
We love you Grandma!
Feel better soon!