No matter what it's called, A Keffiyeh, a Shemagh, or a Ghutrah, I seriously love these things. They are a super comfortable scarf alternative. Keeping you warm or cool, and there's so many ways to wear them!

These started out as traditional headdresses, but in the 1980s made an appearance in the Fashion World in the United States. The trend came back in the mid 2000's in Tokyo and here, and pops up all over now. In 2008, keffiyehs in pretty purple and mauve tone colors were given away with some fashion magazines in countries like, Spain and France.

Do you like this look, or have a shemagh? Would you wear one? Urban Outfitters had a keffiyeh for sale in 2007 in their stores, but pulled it off the shelves after complaints from pro-Israel activists! Yikes!

A friend of ours snapped this photo of us last time we were visiting her and her boyfriend (on the left) in Brooklyn. She's a great photographer, and I love the effect of the wide angle lens she used here. It makes me look like a tiny little person, but I'm as tall as my boyfriend, who is standing to my right.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, good and bad! Like it or Love it? Not into it at all? What do you think?