Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

Yesterday the amazing boyfriend, Scott, and I went to the zoo in the wee hours of the morning (okay, fine, around 8:30am, but still!) so we could feed some of the animals! It was my present to him for our anniversary two weeks ago but since I was terribly ill we couldn't do it until yesterday. Here we are in the enclosure of the first two animals - Manji and Akbar. Can anyone figure out what those two are?

This is their typical breakfast. Scott and I along with Manji and Akbar's keeper Andrew and another zoo volunteer, Trevor, went around the enclosure hiding these morsels in nooks and crannies. It was pretty neat being able to be behind the scenes even though we weren't exactly cuddling Manji or Akbar. Although...we might not have been so keen to seeing as...

This is Akbar! And this is...

Manji! They are Malayan Sun Bears and the most adorable creatures in Adelaide Zoo in my opinion. I could be biased of course!
After we spent a while with the pair, we went ahead to the next part of the tour which was to feed a frisky duo of chittering and rather eager for breakfast...

Sea otters!
It was such a nice day and there's so much more I could say about what we did and everything we experienced but that's between Scott and me (:
Happy Belated Anniversary Scott, I love you much!