Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Family Fun Night at All Stars Montessori

Tonight we took part in some family fun at Lillian's school.
Adam and Lillian picnicing.

Lillian trying not to spill her water.

It was kind of like a class reunion for Alexa, being able to come back and visit all her old friends she's been missing over the summer.
Alexis and Alexa

Lillian's favorite part was the jumper.

Sliding down the slide.

Lillian in the jumper.

Having FUN!

Alexa with some of her old classmates, Siah and Alexis.

Emma, Alexis, Alexa and Astrid

Instead of getting their faces painted, they decided to paint their legs. Goofballs.
Alexa's horse.

Lillian getting ger leg painted.

A butterfly on Lilli's leg.

Lillian and her friend Arianna in the fire truck.

It was a fabulous night spent with all our friends at All Stars Montessori.
Lillian felt extra special that we were there for 'her school party'.
Tomorrow we get to go to Alexa's Kindergarten Open House.