Thursday, November 29, 2007

Catching up

Boy how time is flying by. Thanksgiving came and went so fast. I spent the day with my family at my In-Laws house and then went to my sister's house for round two and spent the night with my Mom. On Friday morning, I opened my eye at 5:00 am to my Mom saying "lets get dressed and go to your sisters and surprise her" I told her she was nuts and went back to sleep. Mom didn't even want to go shopping (neither did I for that matter) she just wanted to "surprise" my sister. Yeah right, who wants someone knocking on their door at 5:00 am with nothing more than an empty coffee cup in their hand. The twisted part is, my sister probably would have been okay with it. Yes, I said twisted! I do love them though!

On the stamping front, I have a couple of cards from my last class that I need to take pictures and will upload in the next day or two. I also have my annual Sweet Treats class coming up on Saturday and I will get pictures taken of those also. Starting on the first of December I am going to put on my best Oprah face start sharing some of my favorite things with you. I just love her favorite things show and dream of being in her audience one day.

Until next time...........hugs to all.