There is something about being able to walk outside without a jacket on that is sooo freeing.
The fresh air and warm sun is rejuvenating. When I wake up in the morning and take one look out the window, I see the birds flying around and chirping away..It makes me want to get up, smile and start my day. (that was totally cheesy how that rhymed)
Alexa and Lillian are totally feeling it, too. We have spent so much time already jumping on the trampoline, riding bike and even playing at the park. We LOVE this time of year.
Another thing that has me smiling lately is the thought of my house getting repainted. When we moved in almost 2 years ago we went a little wild with the paint selections, basically because we had been living in apartments and townhouses that had restrictions on painting the walls. We're feeling that even though we like the brightness of the colors we chose in the beginning, we need to go a little more neutral for our decorating tastes. The new paint has been picked out and purchased and I was hoping that I would have a new look to our kitchen, living room and entry way this month, but looks like I'll be waiting til the end of May. Our great friend and painter, Isaac, isn't able to get to it until then. I can't complain, tho, because for all the work he does, he only asks for a bed to sleep on and a case or 2 of beer and well, you just can't beat that these days.
For now we are enjoying the month of April being a pretty quiet month because come May, it's going to get busy busy busy!!