Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter {Photos}

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter. 
 As always, the best part of holidays for me, is spending time with family ~ and that's just what we did!!
The girls didn't have school on Friday and Adam didn't work, so I took a half day, so we could get a head start to visit my parents for the weekend.  Traffic wasn't bad, which was made the 3 hour car ride much  easier. 

My Dad always calls me his favorite daughter, even tho I'm his only daughter.  I just take it as I'm his favorite child! hehe
P.S.  He LOVES getting his picture taken with me. :)
 Saturday morning, my older brother and family arrived, which was when the party began - the cousins were together after not having seen each other for quite some time - and the house was full of excitement.
Alexa, Lillian, Joey & A.J.

Lillian and Joey

Me and my smiley nephew!!

Alexa and AJ were inseperable the whole entire weekend.  They were always off playing hide-and-seek, watching the Disney Channel or sneaking Grandma's candy.

I can promise you that AJ is going to be taller than me the next time I see him.  He is a growing string bean!!

Little Miss Lilli, serving tea in her Easter dress!!
 On Sat. we went to my Grandparents on my Mom's side.  It's always a fun gathering because mostly all my cousins and aunts and uncles are there.  All the 'cousins' are expanding their families now by getting married and having kids, so it makes Grandpa and Grandma's house seem smaller and smaller each year.  Luckily, we're a tight knit family!! ;)
The "little kids" table!! 

The backs of the girls' Easter dresses - they were soo pretty!!

My brother Ben and I!  I thought we looked so much alike in this photo!!

My beautiful Alexa in her Easter dress!

My aunt Linda and I!
{My Dad is totally laughing right now at yet another 'self taken photo'.}

Cousin Gracie & Lillian

All the cousins and their significant others and families.
From the top:
Hollund, Allen, Natalie, Christopher, Ben
Tony, Anne, Geoff, Crystal
Grant, Matt, Jennah,
Joey, Grace, AJ, Cale, Blake, Tiny
Me, Adam, Lillian
Our family Easter picture!!

My family with Grandpa Carroll & Grandma Kitty
My beautiful Mija!

My cousin Chris and his girlfriend Natalie

My cousin Jennah & I!
{Funny thing - we each call each other the same silly nickname "Beef"!!}

The love of my life!!

Me and My Mom!!

Mommy and her babies!!

I had to add this one, too..Lillian looks so cute looking up at her sister!!

Lillian and Alexa - Easter 2011

Their dresses can be found at Sassy n Sweet Shoppe on Etsy!
 We all went to the Saturday evening mass.  I'll admit that we all got a little rowdy during the long Easter readings.  But, let's face it - our family sitting together for that amount of time, there is bound to be pouring candle wax on Cale's head. hehe
Alexa and her cousin Joey!

 The kids left some food and note for the Easter bunny and woke up to find all the eggs he had hidden for them in the house.  Little did they know..the Easter bunny hid some outside, too.  So, when we went out to play - the kids were in for a surprise.  It was a mad chase for all the colorful eggs hidden all over the yard.
Alexa running for Easter eggs!!

Lilli found one by Grandma's little tree!

The Easter eggs hunt in the back yard!

Alexa searching for more eggs!

Lilli found blue and orange eggs!!  She'd open them right away and eat all the candy out before putting them in her bag.  Silly girl!

My little brother Tiny and I.  I felt so bad for poor Tiny all weekend.  He was so sick and wanted so badly to hang out with all of us and have a good time, but he just felt soo crummy.  He perked up a little on Sunday and came out and hunted eggs with us.

Happy Easter!!

Lilli, Alexa, AJ & Joey!

Joey finding eggs in thr front yard!

Lilli sharing her eggs with Joey!

Lilli is thinking...whoo whoo..more candy!!

LOVE this picture of Joey.  So cute!