Sunday, April 17, 2011

Run! Suki is on YouTube!

I started a brand new channel called Suki Chronicles (I know, so unoriginal but better than babygirlz0283208 or something similar) which will feature all my videos for this blog - hooray! Now it is totally new and making videos is alien to me (except for the ones I made for Scott...NO! Mind out of the gutter! I used to just make him update videos when I was abroad and he was working, it makes a twist from writing letters.) so be nice. Or whatever, be mean and I probably might not care. Much.

Now, I had so many issues with my webcam which I cannot be bothered getting into for the life of me now. Instead I will share with you how I combated the problem of lighting with webcam videos as you will always have a shadow-y effect or over-lighting happening. And in my case it was shadowing so one side of my face got barely any light and I looked like Two Face.

(I know, I have a weird bar above my head...I have no idea where it came from...)

See what I mean?

(Oh! Wait!...DUH!...I'm an angel, so I haz halo!)

But then I found a way to combat the problem! And thought I would share in case this works for anyone else. I hope it does, that way I look like a genius.

1: You have your main light source (in my case, plus the ceiling light and my webcam light but this lamp is the main source of light for my videos)

2: You have the object that rebounds the light and throws it across the darkened areas you need light to shine upon! (In my case I used my hundred year old mirror and my diary as extra height)

3: The object meant to be the center of attention will be all lit up!

You can watch my first video here!: