& Lyric at Mom Talk
Here is how it works:
First: Write a post linking back to the person who gave you the award
Second: Share 7 random things about yourself
Third: Award 15 recently-discovered bloggers this award
Then: Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won
Ok, here goes nothing...seven random things about ME!
1.) I cannot cook worth a darn, but I can bake!
2.) One of my favorite songs growing up was "Joyride" by Roxette.
3.) I used to be a Radio Broadcaster.
4.) I drive a red Ford Escape.
5.) I work Mon-Fri. 8-5 as an office manager.
6.) I love thrift shopping and ETSY!
7.) I still have Valentine's decorations hanging in my house.
Ok, now 15 recently-discovered bloggers...
1.) Stilettos and A Fishing Pole
2.) Day 2 Day Living
3.) Curious Cora
4.) My Munoz Family
5.) Fancie Strands
6.) Evie n Lizzie
7.) Life as a Wife
8.) Amy's Life
10.) Magical Memories
11.) Hands On: As We Grow
12.) MageeBaby
13.) Aprons & Art
14.) Mama B
Ok, so they aren't ALL 'newly- discovered" blogs, some I've been following for a loooong time. But, all well deserved! ;)