Say Thank You and Thank You and Thank You again
An attitude of Gratitude comes from the heart
Regardless of how hard it is, to sometimes start
Most days I'm filled with all kinds of Bliss
I name things around me and try not to miss
The trees, the birds, the sun and the sky
horses and rabbits, even insects that fly
With the excitement of a child my list can go on
On the days filled with Joy it is gratitude I don
Yet when my heart's filled with sorrow and pain
It's hard to feel grateful with inward disdain
A teacher just told me as recent as today
Repeat the words Thank You come what may
Saying the words Thank You again and again
Repetition wins over and soon comes the Zen
For regardless the pain there are lessons to learn
It's hard to be thankful when for them, it's your turn
But Thankful I'll be as the words I repeat
For one day the lessons will just fall at my feet
Today let me start when I open my eyes
Saying Thank You for giving me this day to rise
And may I remember all during the day
To be grateful for everything that comes my way
For people I meet and the lessons I learn
Even in darkness it's to the Light I will turn
Say Thank You and Thank You and Thank You again
For my life is full of the now, not the when
And when it comes time to lay down my head
It's thoughts of my Blessings as I crawl into bed
For the people I've met who touched my heart
And for the abundance I do have in my life's cart
For it's all how you look at it, that's just how it goes
When everything's a Blessing; the highs and the lows
Your Life will seem Lighter I promise this when
You say Thank You and Thank You and Thank You again
written with a Grateful Heart with Love and Light,
Nina P 11/9/10