Monday, December 27, 2010

LOTD: Mummy Calls It My Peacock

This look I did yesterday originally started off rather light and I did not want to do a heavy look but there was some black pigment in my Fyrinnae Boy Toy that kept smudging whenever I patted it onto my right lid so I had no choice but to darken up my look. It worked out rather well and as I had spent the whole of yesterday out and about town getting some shopping done it attracted  a lot of attention! Here in Sri Lanka when a girl wears a lot of make up she is generally referred to negatively (if you know what I mean) but for one, I am mixed and for another I love scandalizing my own people - there is nothing like ruffling feathers and what better way than to get my inner peacock on?


Galaxy and beyond?

I look almost like an elf in my opinion...or maybe just Cousin It. My hair drives me nuts these days, there is too much of it!